PotentialBPC-157 and TB-500Synergy in WoundRepair
Research reveals that BPC-157 and TB-500, which both help to stimulate wound healingvia different biochemical pathways, may have synergistic effects when combined together.
Cell Migration
La curación exitosa de heridas depende de los fibroblastos, which regulate extracellular matrix production, así como células del sistema inmunológico. Para que estas células hagan su trabajo, Necesitan trasladarse al lugar de la lesión.. Este movimiento, llamado migración, is heavily dependent the protein actin. Both BPC-157 and TB-500 are important in actin regulation BPC-157 works at the level of the gene to increase actin production[1].TB-500, una proteína fijadora de actina, helps to sequester actin in areas where it is most useful for buildingfilaments from actin to allow for cell movement[2]. Juntos, BPC-157 and TB-500 worksynergistically to increase the quantity and function of actin and thus increase the rate atwhich fibroblasts and cells of the immune system migrate to areas of injury.
The Big PictureInvolves GrowthHormone
Both TB-500 and BPC-157 interact with growth hormone in the healing process. BPC-157increases the expression of growth hormone receptors on fibroblasts, boosting thelongevity of these cells and thus their ability to promote soft tissue regeneration[3]. WithTB-500 on board, the extra growth hormone receptors will not go to waste because thefibroblasts will have adequate stores of actin to make use of their elongated lifespans.Combining TB5-00, BPC-157, collagen, and a growth hormone secretagogue is a surefireway to increase rates of wound healing and may one day replace standard treatmentregimens as the gold standard.
Acerca del autor
La literatura anterior fue investigada, editado y organizado por el Dr.. mi. logan, MARYLAND. Dr. ELogan tiene un doctorado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Case Western Reserve y una licenciatura. en biología molecular.
Scientific Journa Author
Alan L.. Goldstein, Maryland, Alan L.. Goldstein es profesor y Catharine B. & WiliamMcCormick Chair of the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at TheGeorge Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, where he hasserved since 1978. Thymosins were discovered in the mid 1960’s, when Allan Goldsteinfrom the Laboratory of Abraham White at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NewYork studied the role of the thymus in development of the vertebrate immune system. Heis a world-renowned authority on the thymus gland and the workings of the immunesystem, y codescubridor de las timosinas. Dr. Goldstein es autor de más de 400 artículos científicos en revistas profesionales, el inventor en más de 15 A NOSOTROS. Patentes, andthe editor of several books in the fields of biochemistry, biomedicina, immunology andneuro-science. He is on the editorial boards of numerous scientific and medical journalsand has been a consultant to many re-search organizations in industry and government;,co-founder of The institute for Advanced Studies in Aging and Geriatric Medicine, un instituto educativo y de investigación sin fines de lucro; a member of the Board of Trustees of the AlbertSabin Vaccine Institute, and serves as the Chairman of the Board of Regene Rx Biopharmaceuticals. Dr. Goldstein recibió su B.S.. del Colegio Wagner de 1959 and hisM.S. y doctorado. de la Universidad de Rutgers en 1964. He served as a faculty member of theAlbert Einstein College of Medicine from 1964 a 1972, and moved to the University ofTexas Medical Branch in Galveston in 1972 como profesor y director de la división de Bioquímica.
Alan L.. Goldstein, MD is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in theresearch and development of TB-500 and other Thymosins. In no way is thisdoctor/scientist endorsing or advocating the purchase, venta, or use of this product for anyreason. No hay afiliación o relación., implícito o no, between PeptideSciences and this doctor. El propósito de citar al médico es reconocer, recognize.and credit the exhaustive research and development efforts conducted by the scientistsstudying this peptide. Dr. Goldstein figura en [5]bajo las citas referenciadas.
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4.Canción, Ran & Choi, Hyun & Cual, Hyung-In & Yoo, Myung & Parque, Yong-Beom &kim, Kyoung.(2012).Association between serum thymosin B4 levels of rheumatoidarthritis patients and disease activity and response to therapy. Clinicalrheumatology.31.1253-8.10.1007/s10067-012-2011-7.[Puerta de investigación]
5.Philp, D., et al. “Thymosin β4 Promotes Angiogenesis, Wound Healing, and HairFollicle Development.”Mechanisms ofAgeing and Development, volumen. 125, No. 2Feb.2004,pp.113-115,10.1016/i.mad.2003.11.005.[PubMed]
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