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Vesilute Glu-Asp
Dipeptides are either organ-specific or are widely present throughout a variety of tissues. Vesilute is one of the latter dipeptides, being found throughout the body[1]. Vesilute is one of the least studied Khavinson peptides, but has shown some effect on bladder and genitourinary system tissues. Research reports indicate that it Vesilute can improve bladder function, particularly in the elderly, assisting with chronic cystitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and a variety of urinary problems. The peptide has important organotrophic effects in the prostate as well, helping to prevent cell proliferation and prostate enlargement. Research suggests that this effect may be the result of improvements in microcirculation.
Vesilute and other cytomedines appear to have beneficial effects on sperm quality and fertility. Research out of Russia indicates an increase in sperm production, health, and viability with administration of cytomedines. There is, additionally, a decrease in the number of abnormal sperm. All of these effects serve to increase fertility[2].
Interestingly, the Glu-Asp peptide, along with twelve other dipeptides, has been shown to be responsible for umami flavor in a variety of settings[3]. Though not directly related to health and wellness, the fact that these peptides produce a desirable flavor suggests that their ingestion may be encouraged via evolutionary taste mechanisms. This could, though by no means has been proven to, indicate that these peptides have an important role in basic biochemical processes. Vesilute and other cytomedines have been shown to be orally active[2].
Estructura Vesiluta
Secuencia de aminoácidos:Glu-Asp (ED)Fórmula molecular:C9h14norte2oh7Peso molecular:262,20 g/molCID de PubChem: 99716
Número CAS:3918-84-1Sinónimos:ácido alfa-glutamilaspártico, SCHEMBL1674753, vesilut, dipéptido EDFuente:PubChem
Función vesiluta y del músculo liso
Vesilute is thought to have anti-aggregation effects on the muscles of the bladder wall. In muscle, glycogen serves as an important form of energy storage. This multibranched polysaccharide is a short-term energy storage solution and is found primarily in muscle and liver cells. It makes up approximately 2% of muscle mass where it serves as an immediate source of glucose to maintain contraction.
Glycogen is broken down by an enzyme called glycogen phosphorylase. At rest, glycogen phosphorylase B is in a tense state due to the presence of ATP and certain enzymes. In its tense form, phosphorylation B is unable to bind with glycogen and therefore cannot break it down[4], [5]. Without the ability to breakdown glycogen into glucose, muscle is unable to maintain contraction and is forced to relax.
There are multiple stimuli for aggregation in skeletal muscle including the generation of thermal energy (heat), increases in AMP levels, and increases in calcium ion levels. Vesilute appears to interfere with the process of aggregation at a universal step, thereby preventing glycogen breakdown by any mechanism. This, in turn, induces smooth muscle relaxation. Relaxation of smooth muscle ends the signals calling for more energy and can help to break the cycle that leads to spasm. Because smooth muscle is dependent on calcium signals for maintenance, breaking the spasmodic cycle by reducing calcium levels and dissipating heat can lead to long-term relief from spasm. These effects would be highly prominent in the urinary tract where smooth muscle is abundant.
Vesilute y vasos sanguíneos
The effects of Vesilute, which is considered to be a cytomedine peptide, would also be prominent in the vasculature where smooth muscle reigns supreme. Cytomedines, according to Vladimir Khavinson, are peptide bioregulators that prevent premature aging[6]. In this case, interruption of aggregation would lead to vessel relaxation. This would lead to lower blood pressure, reduced energy expenditure in the heart, and improved nutrient delivery to organs throughout the body. Thus, Vesilute 20mg likely has beneficial effects on blood pressure, the long-term health of the vascular system, and several end organs like the heart, brain, and kidneys.
It is thought that the benefits of Vesilute on the prostate are due to its microvascular effects. Improved circulation in the prostate helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and rid the prostate of toxins. The net effect of improved microvascular circulation in the prostate is a decrease in fibrosis and enlargement of the prostate gland. Research shows that prostate massage has a similar effect.
Vesilute y fertilidad
Interestingly, decreasing prostatitis by increasing microvascular supply to the gland via cytomedines like Vesilute appears to have an impact on spermatogenesis. Sperm levels following treatment of prostatitis increase as much as 29% and show more than a 14% increase in viability[7]. Research shows that men treated with cytomedines like Vesilute experience an increase in fertility without intolerable side effects.
Resumen de Vesilute
Vesilute es un péptido de Khavinson cuyas investigaciones exploran su papel en la regulación del tracto urinario y la próstata. La evidencia de la investigación indica que Vesilute puede ayudar a aliviar los síntomas asociados con la disfunción de la vejiga y el tracto urinario. Se ha demostrado que Vesilute y otras citomedinas reducen la disfunción de la próstata y se cree que actúan mejorando la microcirculación en la próstata y reduciendo la proliferación celular. Este último efecto puede deberse a cambios en la densidad cromosómica y factores epigenéticos, un mecanismo de regulación celular común entre los péptidos de Khavinson.
Vladimir Khavinsones Profesor, Presidente de la región Europea de la Asociación Internacional de Gerontología y Geriatría; Miembro de laAcademias de Ciencias Médicas de Rusia y Ucrania; Gerontólogo Principal del Comité de Salud del Gobierno de San Petersburgo, Rusia; Director del Instituto de Biorregulación y Gerontología de San Petersburgo; Vicepresidente de la Sociedad Gerontológica de laAcademia Rusa de Ciencias; Jefe de la Cátedra de Gerontología y Geriatría de la Universidad Médica Estatal del Noroeste de San Petersburgo; Coronel del servicio médico (URSS, Rusia), retirado. Vladimir Khavinson es conocido por el descubrimiento, estudios experimentales y clínicos de nuevas clases depéptidobiorreguladores, así como para el desarrollo de terapias con péptidos biorreguladores. Se dedica al estudio del papel de los péptidos en la regulación de los mecanismos del envejecimiento. Su principal campo de actuación es el diseño, estudios preclínicos y clínicos de nuevos péptidos.geroprotectores. A 40-year-long investigation resulted in a multitude of methods of application of peptide bioregulators to slow down the process of ageing and increase human life span. Six peptide-based pharmaceuticals and 64 peptide food supplements have been introduced into clinical practice by V. Khavinson. He is an author of 196 patents (Russian and international) as well as of 775 scientific publications.His major achievements are presented in two books: “Peptides and Ageing” (NEL, 2002)and “Gerontological aspects of genome peptide regulation” (Karger AG, 2005).Vladimir Khavinson introduced scientific specialty "Gerontology and Geriatrics" in the Russian Federation on the governmental level. Academic Council headed by V. Khavinson has oversighted over 200 Ph.D. and Doctorate theses from many different countries.
Prof. Vladimir Khavinson is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in the research and development of Vesilute. In no way is this doctor/scientist endorsing or advocating the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. There is no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, between
Gurús de péptidosy este doctor. El propósito de la cita del doctor es reconocer, reconocer y acreditar el exhaustivo esfuerzo de investigación y desarrollo realizado por los científicos que estudian este péptido.
Citas referenciadas
E. Heidenreichet al., “A Novel UPLC-MS/MS Method Identifies Organ-Specific Dipeptide Profiles,”Int. J. Mol. Sci., vol. 22, no. 18, p. 9979, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.3390/ijms22189979.
A. A. Kamalov, E. A. Efremov, S. D. Dorofeev, and S. M. Paniushkin, “[Use of oral vitaprost in the treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis],”Urol. Mosc. Russ. 1999, no. 5, pp. 45–50, Oct. 2006.
Y. Konget al., “Comparison of non-volatile umami components in chicken soup and chicken enzymatic hydrolysate,”Food Res. Int., vol. 102, pp. 559–566, Dec. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.09.038.
T. B. Eroninaet al., “Effect of GroEL on thermal aggregation of glycogen phosphorylase b from rabbit skeletal muscle,”Macromol. Biosci., vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 768–774, Jul. 2010, doi: 10.1002/mabi.200900396.
“Glycogen Phosphorylase B - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics.” (accessed Feb. 26, 2022).
V. G. Morozov and V. K. Khavinson, “[Prospects of cytomedines application in clinical medicine and gerontology],”Klin. Med. (Mosk.), vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 42–45, 2000.
The products offered on this website are furnished for in-vitro studies only. In-vitro studies (Latin: in glass) are performed outside of the body. These products are not medicines or drugs and have not been approved by the FDA to prevent, treat or cure any medical condition, ailment or disease. Bodily introduction of any kind into humans or animals is strictly forbidden by law.
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