
Vesugen 20mg (Bioregulador)

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Vesugen es un tripéptido biorregulador y geroprotector. Las investigaciones han demostrado que protege el sistema vascular de los efectos del envejecimiento al limitar el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis y disminuir la disfunción general de las células endoteliales. Por lo tanto, los sistemas que son sensibles al daño vascular y al deterioro muestran los efectos más obvios de la administración de Vesugen. Estos sistemas incluyen el sistema nervioso central y el sistema cardiovascular. Vesugen parece desempeñar un papel destacado en la regulación de los niveles de proteína sirtuina 1. Sirtuin 1 tiene efectos importantes sobre los procesos metabólicos y ayuda a reducir los efectos del envejecimiento. La sirtuina 1 se activa como resultado de la restricción calórica y, por lo tanto, se cree que es una de las proteínas responsables de los profundos efectos antienvejecimiento asociados con la restricción calórica.
Uso del producto:Este PRODUCTO ESTÁ DISEÑADO ÚNICAMENTE COMO SUSTANCIA QUÍMICA DE INVESTIGACIÓN.Esta designación permite el uso de productos químicos de investigación estrictamente para pruebas in vitro y experimentación de laboratorio únicamente. Toda la información del producto disponible en este sitio web tiene fines educativos únicamente. La introducción corporal de cualquier tipo en personas o animales está estrictamente prohibida por la ley. Este producto sólo debe ser manipulado por profesionales calificados y con licencia. Este producto no es un medicamento, alimento o cosmético y no puede ser mal etiquetado, mal utilizado o etiquetado erróneamente como medicamento, alimento o cosmético.


Vesugen (Lys-Glu-Asp) es un tripéptido con efectos primarios sobre el sistema vascular. Debido a que el sistema vascular es importante en todo el cuerpo y en cada proceso metabólico, Vesugen tiene un impacto de amplio alcance. Las investigaciones muestran que puede mejorar la supervivencia de las neuronas en el sistema nervioso central, disminuir la aterosclerosis/reestenosis para proteger los vasos sanguíneos y aumentar la supervivencia de las células y la salud de los tejidos en todo el cuerpo. También hay investigaciones que sugieren que Vesugen puede ser importante en la regulación del comportamiento adictivo y de recompensa. Vesugen es un péptido antienvejecimiento, en parte porque imita algunos de los efectos de la restricción calórica. Durante mucho tiempo se ha entendido que la restricción calórica promueve la longevidad.

Estructura Vesugen

Secuencia de aminoácidos:Lys-Glu-Asp (KED)Fórmula molecular:C15h26norte4oh8Peso molecular:390,39 g/molCID de PubChem: 87571363 Sinónimos:ácido lisilglutamil aspártico, SCHEMBL3767701, CHEBI:159909MoleculeFuente:PubChem

Vesugen 20 mg y el cerebro

Vesugen is a promising neuroprotective peptide with potential applications in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Oral administration of the peptide to elderly individuals with functional disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) has resulted in improved memory in past experiments. The peptide has also been shown to restore synaptic plasticity, which is to say the ability of neurons to make and strengthen connections between themselves[1]. Like most bioregulatory peptides, Vesugen appears to regulate the expression of genes involved in apoptosis and neuron differentiation. Research shows that Vesugen has an impact on the genes for p16, p21, NES, GAP43, nestin, SUMO, APOE, and IGF1. Some of these peptides are involved in apoptosis (programmed cell death) of neurons while others are involved in neuron growth or have been shown to play a role in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis[1]. Research also shows that peptides like Vesugen, Epitalon, Pinealon, and Violon can reduce the effects of hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) in the central nervous system. They appear to do this by boosting anti-oxidative enzyme levels and thus helping to counteract the increase in neurotoxic reactive oxygen species that occurs when oxygen levels decline[2]. According to Dr. Linkova, a Russia specialist in aging and gerontology, this effect of Vesugen could not only be useful in the setting of hypoxic events like stroke or heart attack, but also in the setting of neonatal hypoxia during birth.MoléculaFuente:PubChem

Vesugen y vasos sanguíneos

At least part of the reason that Vesugen protects the central nervous system comes down to the fact that it protects blood vessels from the clogging effects of atherosclerosis and therefore serves to maintain both the supply of nutrients to various tissues as well as the removal of waste products. The latter may be more important in long-term brain health given that research has shown the brain to produce high amounts of metabolic byproducts that, if not removed promptly, can be toxic to neurons. Having a robust blood supply helps to ensure neurons remain in a healthy environment. In fact, the bulk (though not all) of Vesugen’s geroprotective effects may boil down to its impact on vascular health. Research shows that Vesugen is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disorders, particularly in older individuals. It affects the expression of genes responsible for endothelial regulation and health. Endothelial cells are the cells that line the insides of blood vessels. Research in mice shows that Vesugen prevents the development of atherosclerosis and vascular stenosis (narrowing due to endothelial overgrowth) by normalizing endothelin-1 expression and increasing sirtuin 1 expression[3]. Sirtuin helps to prevent lipid production and stimulates the oxidation (burning) of fatty acids by altering transcription factors and thus controlling large numbers of genes. Research shows that it contributes to longevity, which means that Vesugen is, at least indirectly, and anti-aging peptide. The ability of Vesugen to prevent lipid peroxidation (a process that is different from oxidation) increases the stability of red blood cell membranes, which stabilizes the vasculature. This leads to a decrease in the percent of dead cells circulating through blood vessels (especially in the central nervous system) and may serve to reduce rates of apoptosis/necrosis[4]. Additional research reveals that Vesugen stimulates proliferation-associated protein Ki-67 in blood vessels and that levels of Vesugen naturally decline with age[5]. This would suggest that at least part of the reason that rates of vascular disease rise with age is not because of diet or environmental exposure, but simply because these cells start to lose protective mechanisms as Vesugen levels decline. Supplementation with Vesugen 20mg, which has been shown to be orally active, could help to prevent this age-related decline.

Vesugen y la diabetes

Vesugen 20mg, as pointed out in the section on blood vessel health, activates sirtuin 1, which has been shown to play important roles in insulin sensitivity. Research in mice shows that activation of sirtuin 1 by compounds like Vesugen or the antioxidant resveratrol, increase insulin sensitivity and helps to attenuate the insulin resistance caused by eating a high fat diet[6]. In addition to helping to regulate insulin sensitivity, sirtuin 1 has also been shown to affect the activity of PGC1-alpha and the ERR-alpha complex. These proteins are important regulators of large components of the metabolic pathway. Regulation of these pathways helps to improve overall metabolism and fight off the development of metabolic syndrome[7], [8].

Vesugen y la adicción

Las investigaciones muestran que la sirtuina 1 es parte de un gran complejo de proteínas que regulan el tipo D1 de neuronas espinosas dopaminérgicas en el sistema nervioso central. Estas neuronas son importantes en la patogénesis de la adicción. Estas neuronas desempeñan funciones importantes en la motivación, la recompensa y la formación de hábitos. La disfunción de estos sistemas está relacionada con la adicción y la esquizofrenia, así como con la enfermedad de Parkinson. La capacidad de regular su función puede proporcionar nuevas herramientas importantes en el tratamiento de diversos trastornos psiquiátricos y neurológicos.

Vesugen y el envejecimiento

It has long been known that caloric restriction is a highly effective means of prolonging life. In fact, research suggests that calorie restriction may have the single largest impact on longevity of anything discovered to date. What is unclear, however, is exactly how calorie restriction produces this effect. At least part of the answer, it appears, comes down to changes in patterns of protein expression. Research shows that increases in sirtuin 1 that result from calorie restriction result in deactivation of the p53 protein. Down regulation of p53 function helps to slow the rate of apoptosis, which means that cells survive for longer. This is critical in tissue where cells are either slowly replaced (cardiac tissue) or are not replaced at all (neurons). In addition, sirutin 1 also stimulates the process of autophagy[9]. Autophagy is an important component of tissue health in which cellular components are recycled and renewed. This leads to improved functionality of cells and decreases the presence of waste materials and debris. Overall, the activation of sirtuin 1 helps to improve cell and tissue health both by helping cells with regular housekeeping duties and by prolonging survival. This effect can be achieved via fasting or calorie restriction, but these practices are not easy to maintain over a lifetime. Dr. Vladimir Khavinson, considered to be the father of bioregulator peptide investigation, Vesugen has the same effect as calorie restriction. Thus, the peptide may be a suitable alternative to achieving the effects of calorie restriction without actually restricting calories. Research on Vesugen indicates that it is, indeed, and anti-aging peptide. Administration of Vesugen to adults with polymorbidity and organic brain syndrome shows that the peptide has significant anabolic (tissue and cell building) effects. These anabolic effects lead to improved activity both in the central nervous system and throughout the body. Measurement of biological indicators of age reveals an overall slowing of the rate of aging in this setting. In some ways, Vesugen shows more potent geroprotective effects than the vaunted Pinealon peptide[10]. The two peptides are likely synergistic when administered in combination.

Resumen de Vesugen

Vesugen es un tripéptido biorregulador y geroprotector. Protege el sistema vascular de los efectos del envejecimiento al limitar el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis y disminuir la disfunción general de las células endoteliales. Por lo tanto, los sistemas que son sensibles al daño vascular y al deterioro muestran los efectos más obvios de la administración de Vesugen. Estos sistemas incluyen el sistema nervioso central y el sistema cardiovascular. Vesugen parece desempeñar un papel destacado en la regulación de los niveles de proteína sirtuina 1. Sirtuin 1 tiene efectos importantes sobre los procesos metabólicos y ayuda a reducir los efectos del envejecimiento. La sirtuina 1 se activa como resultado de la restricción calórica y, por lo tanto, se cree que es una de las proteínas responsables de los profundos efectos antienvejecimiento asociados con la restricción calórica.

Autor del artículo

La literatura anterior fue investigada, editada y organizada por el Dr. E. Logan, M.D. El Dr. E. Logan tiene un doctorado deFacultad de Medicina de la Universidad Case Western Reservey un B.S. en biología molecular.

Autor de revista científica

Vladimir Khavinsones Profesor, Presidente de la región Europea de la Asociación Internacional de Gerontología y Geriatría; Miembro de laAcademias de Ciencias Médicas de Rusia y Ucrania; Gerontólogo Principal del Comité de Salud del Gobierno de San Petersburgo, Rusia; Director del Instituto de Biorregulación y Gerontología de San Petersburgo; Vicepresidente de la Sociedad Gerontológica de laAcademia Rusa de Ciencias; Jefe de la Cátedra de Gerontología y Geriatría de la Universidad Médica Estatal del Noroeste de San Petersburgo; Coronel del servicio médico (URSS, Rusia), retirado. Vladimir Khavinson es conocido por el descubrimiento, estudios experimentales y clínicos de nuevas clases depéptidobiorreguladores, así como para el desarrollo de terapias con péptidos biorreguladores. Se dedica al estudio del papel de los péptidos en la regulación de los mecanismos del envejecimiento. Su principal campo de actuación es el diseño, estudios preclínicos y clínicos de nuevos péptidos.geroprotectores. A 40-year-long investigation resulted in a multitude of methods of application of peptide bioregulators to slow down the process of ageing and increase human life span. Six peptide-based pharmaceuticals and 64 peptide food supplements have been introduced into clinical practice by V. Khavinson. He is an author of 196 patents (Russian and international) as well as of 775 scientific publications.His major achievements are presented in two books: “Peptides and Ageing” (NEL, 2002)and “Gerontological aspects of genome peptide regulation” (Karger AG, 2005).Vladimir Khavinson introduced scientific specialty "Gerontology and Geriatrics" in the Russian Federation on the governmental level. Academic Council headed by V. Khavinson has oversighted over 200 Ph.D. and Doctorate theses from many different countries. Prof. Vladimir Khavinson is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in the research and development of Vesugen. In no way is this doctor/scientist endorsing or advocating the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. There is no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, between
Gurús de péptidosy este doctor. El propósito de la cita del doctor es reconocer, reconocer y acreditar el exhaustivo esfuerzo de investigación y desarrollo realizado por los científicos que estudian este péptido.

Citas referenciadas

    V. K. Khavinson, N. S. Lin’kova, and R. S. Umnov, “Peptide KED: Molecular-Genetic Aspects of Neurogenesis Regulation in Alzheimer’s Disease,”Bull. Exp. Biol. Med., vol. 171, no. 2, pp. 190–193, May 2021, doi: 10.1007/s10517-021-05192-6. L. S. Kozina, “[Investigation of antihypoxic properties of short peptides],”Adv. Gerontol. Uspekhi Gerontol., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 61–67, 2008. K. L. Kozlovet al., “[Molecular aspects of vasoprotective peptide KED activity during atherosclerosis and restenosis],”Adv. Gerontol. Uspekhi Gerontol., vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 646–650, 2016. L. S. Kozina, A. V. Arutiunian, S. L. Stvolinskiĭ, and V. K. Khavinson, “[Biological activity of regulatory peptides in model experiments in vitro],”Adv. Gerontol. Uspekhi Gerontol., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 68–73, 2008. V. K. Khavinson, S. I. Tarnovskaia, N. S. Lin’kova, E. O. Guton, and E. V. Elashkina, “[Epigenetic aspects of peptidergic regulation of vascular endothelial cell proliferation during aging],”Adv. Gerontol. Uspekhi Gerontol., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 108–114, 2014. C. Sunet al., “SIRT1 improves insulin sensitivity under insulin-resistant conditions by repressing PTP1B,”Cell Metab., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 307–319, Oct. 2007, doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2007.08.014. S. Nemoto, M. M. Fergusson, and T. Finkel, “SIRT1 functionally interacts with the metabolic regulator and transcriptional coactivator PGC-1{alpha},”J. Biol. Chem., vol. 280, no. 16, pp. 16456–16460, Apr. 2005, doi: 10.1074/jbc.M501485200. M. Lagougeet al., “Resveratrol improves mitochondrial function and protects against metabolic disease by activating SIRT1 and PGC-1alpha,”Cell, vol. 127, no. 6, pp. 1109–1122, Dec. 2006, doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.11.013. I. H. Leeet al., “A role for the NAD-dependent deacetylase Sirt1 in the regulation of autophagy,”Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 105, no. 9, pp. 3374–3379, Mar. 2008, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0712145105. V. N. Meshchaninov, E. L. Tkachenko, S. V. Zharkov, I. V. Gavrilov, and I. E. Katyreva, “[EFFECT OF SYNTHETIC PEPTIDES ON AGING OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC POLYMORBIDITY AND ORGANIC BRAIN SYNDROME OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM IN REMISSION],”Adv. Gerontol. Uspekhi Gerontol., vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 62–67, 2015.
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