CJC-1295 also causes the release of GH, but it does so by stimulating the growthhormone releasing hormone receptor, lt is also highly selective and has demonstratedpositive benefits on bone health, lean body mass, insulin resistance, and muscle growthand development[7]-[9]. By combing the two peptides, it may be possible to produceenhanced effects because they stimulate the growth hormone axis via two diferentmechanisms. Research in animal models using both peptides is likely to show increasedbenefit without substantially increased side effects.
Ipamorelin is likely to raise baseline levels of GH such that CJC-1295 will be able toproduce both higher peaks and higher troughs while preserving normal growth hormonepulsatile secretion. The net effect of combing the peptides would be a higher set point forthe normal ebb and flow of GH, resulting in improved lean body mass, better muscledevelopment, improved use of insulin, and overall better metabolic function.
Об авторе
Вышеуказанная литература была исследована, отредактировано и организовано доктором. Э. Логан, доктор медицинских наук. Доктор. ELogan holds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. в молекулярной биологии.
Научный журналАвтор
Доктор. Dominique Bridon holds a Master of Science, Chemical Engineering and Polymer Sciences from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie and a PhD in Organic Chemistryfrom the University of Paris Xl, ICSN, Orsay, France with Nobel Laureate Sir Derek H. R.Barton as Research Advisor. He completed his Post-Doctoral Research at the Universityof California, Беркли. He studied the potential of CJC-1295 as a long lasting GRFanalog and also held various leadership positions involving peptide research andtechnologies at lpsen, Conjuchem, Redcell, and Abbott Laboratories. Доктор. Bridon hasserved as a Director for Enobia (acquired by Alexion) and Neuronax and as a member ofthe Scientific Advisory Board of Syntaxin (acquired by lpsen) and Biosortia. Henow brings 30 years of executive and scientific leadership experience to the EpivaxOncology team.
Доктор. Dominique Bridon is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in there search and development of CJC-1295. Ни в коем случае этот врач/ученый не одобряет и не пропагандирует покупку, распродажа, или использование этого продукта по любой причине. Нет никаких аффилированных отношений, подразумеваемый или иной, между PEPTIDE GURUS и этим врачом. Цель цитирования врача – признание, распознавать, и отдайте должное исчерпывающим исследованиям и разработкам, проведенным учеными, изучающими этот пептид.. Dr.Dominique Bridon is listed in [10] по указанным цитатам.
1.К. Raun et al., “lpamorelin, the first selective growth hormone secretagogue,” Eur.J.Endocrinol.,vol.139,no.5, pp.552-561,Nov. 1998.[ПабМед]
2.N.B.Andersen, К. Malmlüf, п. Б. Johansen, Т. Т. Andreassen, г. rtoft, and H.Oxlund, “The growth hormone secretagogue ipamorelin counteracts glucocorticoid.induced decrease in bone formation of adult rats,Гормон роста. lGF Res. Выключенный. J.Growth Horm.Res.Soc.Int.IGF Res.Soc.,vol.11,no.5, pp.266-272,Oct. 2001[ПабМед]
3.J.Svensson et al., “The GH secretagogues ipamorelin and GH-releasing peptide-6increase bone mineral content in adult female rats,Дж. Эндокринол.. том. 165. нет. 3.pp.569-577,Jun.2000.[ПабМед]
4.E.Adeghate and A.S. Ponery, “Mechanism of ipamorelin-evoked insulin releasefrom the pancreas of normal and diabetic rats,” Нейро Эндокринол. Летт., том. 25, no.6,pp.403-406, Dec.2004.[ПабМед]
5.D.E. Beck, Вт. B.Sweeney, М. Д. McCarter, and lpamorelin 201 Study Group,“Prospective, рандомизированный, controlled, proof-of-concept study of the Ghrelin mimeticipamorelin for the management of postoperative ileus in bowel resection patients.Int.J.Colorectal Dis., vol.29,no.12,pp.1527-1534, Dec.2014.[ПабМед]
6.Б. Greenwood-Van Meerveld, К. Tyler, Э. Mohammadi, и С. Pietra, “Efficacy ofipamorelin, a ghrelin mimetic, on gastric dysmotility in a rodent model ofpostoperative ileus,”J.Exp.Pharmacol., vol.4, pp.149-165, октябрь. 2012.[ПабМед
7.M.Alba et al., “Once-daily administration of CJC-1295, a long-acting growthhormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) analog, normalizes growth in the GHRHknockout mouse,”Am.J.Physiol. Эндокринол. Метаб., vol.291,no.6, pp.E12901294, Dec.2006.[ПабМед]
8.М. Лонеску и Л.. А. Фроман, «Пульсирующая секреция гормона роста. (ГХ)сохраняется во время непрерывной стимуляции CJC-1295, аналог гормона роста длительного действия.,«Дж.Клин.Эндокринол». Метаб., vol.91,no.12,pp.4792-4797, Декабрь 2006 г.[ПабМед]
9.M.C. Van Hout and E. Hearne, “Netnography of Female Use of the SyntheticGrowth Hormone CJC-1295: Pulses and Potions,” Subst. Use Misuse, том. 51, №1, pp.73-84, Jan.2016.[ПабМед]
10.Jetté, Lucie & Leger, Roger & Thibaudeau, Karen & Benquet, Corinne & Robitaille.Martin & Pellerin, lsabelle & Paradis, Véronique & Wyk, Pieter & Pham, Хан &Bridon, Dominique.(2005).hGRF1-29-Albumin Bioconjugates Activate the GRFReceptor on the Anterior Pituitary in Rats: ldentification of CJC-1295 as a LongLasting GRF Analog. [Исследовательские ворота]
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