Sermorelin andIpamorelin
Perhaps the most targeted way to cause maximal growth hormone release is via thecombination of sermorelin and ipamorelin. Sermorelin is a recently developed growthhormone releasing hormone (GHRH) analogue designed to preserve the positive effectsof natural GHRH while avoiding some of the undesirable effects. Likewise, ipamorelin isthe most specific, targeted analogue of ghrelin/growth hormone secretagogue currentlyknown. When combined, these peptides act synergistically to cause extreme growth hormone release and thus maximize the benefits that GH has on muscle growth, brainhealth, heart health, and metabolism.
The targeted effects of sermorelin result in improved growth hormone effects on theheart. Research in pigs shows that sermorelin reduces cell death of cardiomyocytes,improves healing following cardiac injury, boosts the growth of collateral blood vessels.and reduces inflammation[1], [2]. A form of the ghrelin receptor has also recently beenfound in cardiac tissue where it has been shown to affect cardiac output. Administration ofghrelin and ghrelin analogues has been shown to reduce risk of abnormal heart beatsand can improve healing following cardiac injury[3].
Sermorelin and ipamorelin have specific GH-related benefits that are more potent thanwhat has been observed with other GH-releasing peptides. in addition to the heartbenefits discussed above, research has shown sermorelin to benefit the central nervous system and improve sleep quality in animal models[4], [5]. lpamorelin has been linked tobone health, insulin control in diabetes, and bowel motility (particularly following surgery)[6]-[10].
Об авторе
Исследования Л.. Эдмистон, доктор медицинских наук. for PEPTIDE GURUS. л. Эдмистон имеет степень доктора медицины.. fromCase Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. в молекулярной биологии.
Научный журналАвтор
Ричард Ф. Уокер, Кандидат наук, Р.Ф., ведущий автор книги «Лучший подход к лечению недостаточности гормона роста у взрослых»?”, received a BS in pharmacy from RutgersUniversity, a MS in Biochemistry from New Mexico State University and a PhD in aphysiology from Rutgers University. He holds postdoctoral fellowships inneuroendocrinology and neuropharmacology at Duke University College of Medicine(Центр изучения старения и человеческого развития) and the University of California.Berkeley,соответственно.
Ричард Ф. Уокер, Кандидат наук, R.Ph is being referenced as one of the leading scientistsinvolved in the research and development of Sermorelin. Ни в коем случае этот врач/ученый не одобряет и не пропагандирует покупку, распродажа, или использование этого продукта по любой причине. Нет никакой принадлежности или родства, подразумеваемый или иной, между PEPTIDE GURUS и этим доктором. Цель цитирования врача – признание, распознавать, и отдайте должное исчерпывающим исследованиям и разработкам, проведенным учеными, изучающими этот пептид.. Ричард Ф. Уокер, Кандидат наук, Р.Ф. внесен в [11] по указанным цитатам.
1.L.L. Баньо и др., “Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Agonists ReduceMyocardial Infarct Scar in Swine With Subacute lschemic Cardiomyopathy,» Дж.. AmHeart Assoc.Cardiovasc.Cerebrovasc. Дис., том. 4, №4, Мар. 2015.[ПабМед]
2.р. М. Канасиро-Такеучи и др., “New therapeutic approach to heart failure due tomyocardial infarction based on targeting growth hormone-releasing hormonereceptor,”Oncotarget, том 6, no.12,pp.9728-9739, Мар. 2015.[ПабМед]
3.Т. Tokudome, К. Otani, М. Miyazato, и К. Kangawa, “Ghrelin and the heart,Пептиды, vol.111,pp.42-46,2019.[ПабМед]
4.С. Тан и др., “Interactions between GHRH and GABAARs in the brains of patientswith epilepsy and in animal models of epilepsy,” Наука. Представитель, том 7, декабрь. 2017.[ПабМед]
5.B.S. Шепард и др., “Endocrine and orexigenic actions of growth hormonesecretagogues in rainbow trout (Онкоринхус микисс),» Комп. Биохимия. PhysiolA.Mol.Integr. Физиол., том. 146, № 3, pp.390-399, Мар. 2007.[ПабМед]
6.Н. Б. Andersen, К. Malmlöf, п. Б. Johansen, Т. Т. Andreassen, г. ②rtoft, and H.Oxlund, “The growth hormone secretagogue ipamorelin counteracts glucocorticoid.induced decrease in bone formation of adult rats,Гормон роста. IGF Рез.. Выключенный. J.Growth Horm.Res.Soc.Int.IGF Res.Soc., vol.11,no.5,pp.266-272,0ct. 2001[ПабМед]
7.J.Svensson et al., “The GH secretagogues ipamorelin and GH-releasing peptide-6increase bone mineral content in adult female rats,” Дж. Эндокринол.. том. 165. нет. 3.pp.569-577,Jun.2000.[ПабМед]
8.Н. К. Aagaard et al., “Growth hormone and growth hormone secretagogue effectson nitrogen balance and urea synthesis in steroid treated rats,Гормон роста. lGFRes.Off. J.Growth Horm.Res.Soc.Int.lGF Res.Soc., том. 19, no.5, pp.426-431,Oct.2009.[ПабМед]
9.E.Adeghate and A.S. Ponery, “Mechanism of ipamorelin-evoked insulin releasefrom the pancreas of normal and diabetic rats,Нейро Эндокринол. Летт.. том. 25, №6, pp.403-406, Dec.2004.[ПабМед]
10.D.E.Beck,W.B.Sweeney, доктор медицинских наук. McCarter, and lpamorelin 201 Study Group*Prospective, рандомизированный, controlled, proof-of-concept study of the Ghrelin mimeticipamorelin for the management of postoperative ileus in bowel resection patients,Int.J. Colorectal Dis., vol.29,no.12,pp.1527-1534, Dec.2014.[ПабМед]
11.R.F. Уокер, «Серморелин: A better approach to management of adult-onset growthhormone insufficiency?,”Clin.Interv.Aging, том. 1, №4, pp.307-308, Dec.2006[ПабМед]
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