CJC-1295(no DAC)
CJC-1295 (no DAC) also known as ModifiedGRF (1-29) is a peptide that comprises 29amino acids and is a chemically synthesized analogue of growth-hormone releasinghormone (GHRH). This peptide is chemically similar to GHRH (it has amino acidsubstitutions at just 4 positions) but differs in the sense that it remains active in the blood.stream for a longer duration.CJC-1295 has been shown to increase growth hormone(ГХ) и инсулиноподобный фактор роста (lGF-1) in humans without any serious adversereactions. A study conducted in 2001 showed that CJC-1295 was safe and generally welltolerated in patients who received a 14-day regimen that was delivered subcutaneously.
lpamorelin is a selective GH-Secretagogue and ghrelin receptor agonist. The potency ofghrelin stimulation can be compared to GHRP6 with less appetite stimulation propertiesHowever, unlike other GH-Secretagogues this pentapeptide doesn’t release the samevolumes of cortisol, acetylcholine, prolactin and aldosterone. lt is for this reasonlpamorelin has been considered the first selective GH-Secretagogue.
Tesamorelin is growth-hormone-releasing analog that can increase lGF-1 levels in bothmen and women by an average of 181 micrograms/liter. This growth hormone can bindand stimulate the GHRH receptors that have a similar potency with GHRH. lt binds andstimulates human GHRH receptors with similar potency as endogenous GHRH. it has ahost of other benefits including nootropic effects and reducing triglycerides. Tesamorelinhas subsequently been shown to decrease carotid intima media thickness (clMT).visceral adipose tissue (VAT), and C-reactive proteins (CRP) in a recent study. it has notbeen shown to significantly affect other pituitary hormones and their respectivemechanisms in the body. Кроме того, it has been shown to improve cognitive function forhealthy older adults and also for people with mild cognitive impairment who are at anincreased risk of progressing to Alzheimer’s disease.
Краткое содержание
CJC-1295, lpamorelin, and Tesamorelin are typically compounded together due to theirability to stimulate GHRH for enhanced results. Research reports accelerated fat loss,improved sleep, настроение, increased energy, as well as long term growth hormone production with lpamorelin. That is especially evident when programmatically combinedwith CJC 1295. After a cycle, the body sees a prolonged boost in hGH production farbeyond their initial dose, thus allowing longer-term maintenance of benefits.
Tesamorelin also improves the overall framework of the body. This peptide works well forindividuals 30+ since the production of GH naturally begins to lower as we age and ithelps improve it. Physical activity supports the release of GH as well. This peptide is themildest growth hormone-releasing peptide and also the most versatile one. it is said to bethe most suitable peptide as it doesn’t induce these side effects like desensitization,hunger stimulation, or unnecessary plasma growth, like other peptides.
Research has shown that the net effect of combining the three peptides results inincreased GH secretion and IGF-1 levels, increased muscle growth, increased bonedensity, improved cognitive function and memory, increased cellular repair andregeneration, increased fat loss, и более.
CJC-1295, lpamorelin, and Tesamorelin exhibits minimal side effects, low oral andexcellent subcutaneous bioavailability in mice. Per kg dosage in mice does not scale tohumans. CJC-1295, lpamorelin, and Tesamorelin for sale at PEPTIDE GURUS is limited toeducational and scientific research only, не для потребления человеком. Only buy CJC-1295lpamorelin, and Tesamorelin if you are a licensed researcher.
Ссылочные цитаты:
1.Teichman,S.L., Нил,A.,Lawrence, B., Gagnon, C., Кастань, J.P. andFrohman, L.A.(2006)’Prolonged stimulation of growth hormone (ГХ) and insulin.like growth factor l secretion by CJC-1295, a long-acting analog of GH-releasinghormone, in healthy adults’,J Clin Endocrinol Metab,91(3), стр.799-805.
2.Sackmann-Sala, Л., Ding, Дж., Фроман, L.A. and Kopchick, J.J.(2009)’Activationof the GH/GF-1 axis by CJC-1295, a long-acting GHRH analog, results in serumprotein profile changes in normal adult subjects’, Growth Horm /GF Res,19(6), pp471-7.
3.Onescu, М. and Frohman, L.A. (2006) ‘Pulsatile secretion of growth hormone (ГХ)сохраняется во время непрерывной стимуляции CJC-1295, a long-acting GH-releasinghormone analog’, J Clin Endocrinol Metab,91(12),pp.4792-7.
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