Fragmento 176-191
Fragmento 176-191 issmall section of human growth hormone sequence (hGH) that hasmodels to enhance fat burning and shift metabolism toward thebeen shown in animamaintenance of leanody mass[1]-[3]. Research also suggests that fragment 176-191 also lacks many of theside effects caused by hGH such as decreased insulin sensitivity,long-bone growth, anedema. dicho eso, the fragment could contribute to the normalphysiologic mechanisns that control GH secretion and could therefore positively affectlevels of GH accordinto recent research studies.
CJC-1295 could counteract the GH effects of fragment 176-191 as it is a synthetic growthhormone releasing hormone and therefore stimulates the release of G[4]. CJC-1295 actsto increase basal and peak levels of GH and has also been shown to increase freeplasma levels of GH. Only free GH is biologically active. CJC-1295 can there forecompensate for a normal physiologic response to fragment 176-191. This would allow forthe benefits of fragment 176-191 to be realized without having any impact on normal GHsecretion.
To further boost GH secretion above basal levels and to particularly affect peak GHsecretion, lpamorelin could be added to the mix, pamorelin is a growth hormone secretagogue receptor agonist that has been shown in animal studies to have potent andspecific effects on GH secretion while having very limited side effects[5]. lpamorelin hasalso been shown to be highly beneficial to bone mineralization and insulin control inanimal models[6], [7]. lpamorelin is a short-acting peptide whereas CJC-1295 is a longer.acting peptide. The former provides rapid onset GH release while the latter acts to raiseGH secretion over longer periods and maintain normal physiologic secretion patterns[8], [9]
Acerca del autor
La literatura anterior fue investigada, editado y organizado por el Dr.. mi. logan, MARYLAND. Dr. ELogan tiene un doctorado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Case Western Reserve y una licenciatura. en biología molecular.
Revista CientíficaAutor
Dr. Dominigue Bridon holds a Master of Science, Chemical Engineering and Polymer Sciences from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie and a PhD in Oraanic Chemistryirom the University of Paris Xl, ICSN, Orsay, France with Nobel Laureate Sir Derek H. RBarton as Research Advisor. He completed his Post-Doctoral Research at the Universityof California. berkeley. He studied the potential of CJC-1295 as a long lasting GRFanalog and also held various leadership positions involving peptide research andtechnologies at lpsen, Conjuchem, Redcell, and Abbott Laboratories. Dr. Bridon hasserved as a Director for Enobia (acquired by Alexion) and Neuronax and as a member ofthe Scientific Advisory Board of Syntaxin (acquired by lpsen) and Biosortia. Henow brings 30 years of executive and scientific leadership experience to the EpivaxOncology team.
Dr. Dominique Bridon is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in theresearch and development of CJC-1295. De ninguna manera este médico/científico respalda o defiende la compra, venta, o uso de este producto por cualquier motivo. No hay afiliación o relación, implícito o no, entre PEPTIDE GURUS y este doctor. Theourpose of citing the doctor is to acknowledge, reconocer, y damos crédito a los exhaustivos esfuerzos de investigación y desarrollo realizados por los científicos que estudian este péptido.. Dr.Dominique Bridon is listed in [10]bajo las citas referenciadas.
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10.Jetté, Lucie & Leger, Roger & Thibaudeau, Karen & Benquet, Corinne & Robitaille.Martin & Pellerin, lsabelle & Paradis, Véronique & Wyk, Pieter & Pham, Kan &Bridon, Dominique.(2005).hGRF1-29-Albumin Bioconjugates Activate the GRFReceptor on the Anterior Pituitary in Rats: ldentification of CJC-1295 as a LongLasting GRF Analog.[Puerta de investigación]
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