¿Qué es PT-141??
PT-141, también llamado bremelanotida, is sometimes referred to as the female Viagrabecause the peptide was previously investigated in phase llb human clinical trials for usein treating female hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). PT-141 is a melanocortinthat binds primarily to melanocortin 4 receptor (MC-4R) y MC-1R. En 2009, PT-141 wasalso investigated as a treatment for acute hemorrhage. PT-141 is a derivative of anothersynthetic melanocortin, melanotan 2(MT-2).
Estructura molecular PT-141
Secuencia: Ac-Nle-Asp(1)-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-LyS(1)
Fórmula molecular: CsHeN4O10
Peso molecular: 1025.182 g/mol
PubChem ClD: 9941379
Número CAS: 189691-06-3
Investigación PT-141
PT-141 and Sexual Arousa
PT-141 es un péptido único que estimula el MC-4R, which is known to producesexual arousal in the central nervous system and influence sexual behavior1, [2]. Studiesin mice have shown that agonist binding to MC-4R causes sexual arousal and increasedcopulation in both males and females[3], [4. Because PT-141 works via a differentmechanism than drugs like Viagra, it is possible to treat sexual arousal disorders in bothmen and women that stem from causes other than reduced blood flow to the genitals
Un estudio de hombres con disfunción eréctil (DE) que no respondió al sildenafil (Viagrafound that roughly one third experienced adequate erection for sexual intercourse withPT-141 (administrado mediante aerosol nasal). There was also a strong dose-dependentresponse in the trial, indicating that PT-141 is indeed effective in certain casesl. Thissuggests that PT-141 could offer insight into correcting ED in settings where sildenafil hasfailed and may offer insight into central causes of hypoactive sexual desire.
Curiosamente, PT-141 was pulled from clinical trials before it reached approval for use inwomen suffering from HSDD. This is despite signs that the drug increased the number ofsatisfying sexual events per month and decreased female sexual distress scores in astatistically significant manner without any substantial side effectsls. Many experts whotreat female sexual dysfunction (FSD) were dismayed to find the peptide was not beingadvanced despite positive results. They point to a lack of established endpoints for trialsof FSD and socio-cultural biases against women’s sexual health as the primaryroadblocks that are inhibiting approval of what they see as much-needed therapies[4].They hope that greater attention will be given to the topic and that the FDA will establishmore concrete guidelines for evaluating therapies like PT-141 that can offer benefit.These experts also expressed dismay that the pharmacological treatments were nottested in conjunction with other established means of treating sexual dysfunction as theybelieve that the combination may prove synergistic and that peptides like PT-141 may beuseful for overcoming initial barriers and jump-starting psychological treatment modalities.
En 2017, en parte en respuesta a las protestas contra el cese de juicios anteriores, Phase llReconnect trials were launched using subcutaneous injections of PT-141 for FSD. Thenewest version of PT-141, llamada rekynda, may soon be available for use in the UnitedStates. lt would be legal to use PT-141 off-label, en ese punto, to treat both male andfemale sexual dysfunction[8]. These new trials have relied on the kind of modifiedendpoints that experts in FSD have touted as beneficial to seeing these kinds oftreatments approved.
PT-141 y hemorragia
En 2009, PT-141 was modified slightly and investigated as a potential treatment forhemorrhagic shock. Porque PT-141 se une tanto a MC-1R como a MC-4R, it reducesischemia and protects tissues against inadequate blood supply in the setting ofhypovolemic (hemorrágico) choque. La droga, cuando se administra por vía intravenosa, does notproduce substantial side effects. lt was last in phase llb trials. The modified version of PT.141 is referred to as PL-6983.
PT-141 and infection
El MC-1R ha sido encontrado, en un modelo de rata de una infección fúngica específica, to possessimportant anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties[9]. This is of particular importancebecause current anti-fungals are limited in terms of their mechanism of action and allproduce serious and treatment-limiting side effects in certain patients. Having analternative to use in the treatment of fungal infections could reduce morbidity andmortality substantially, especialmente en pacientes con compromiso inmunológico.
PT-141 y el cáncer
The MC-1R receptor is an important stimulus of DNA repair pathways and thus is ofinterest in cancer treatment and preventionl[1oh]. Research shows that people with variantsof MC-1R are at increased risk for both basal cell and sauamous cell carcinomaf1].Altered PT-141 may be able to correct the problems experienced as a result of thesevariants and prevent or treat these cancers.
Direcciones de investigación
Ahora mismo, PT-141 hIs received widespread and intense attention as a treatment forsexual dysfunction.here is, sin embargo, Hay una gran cantidad de investigaciones potenciales fuera de la disfunción sexual y la hemorragia a las que se podría aplicar el PT-141.. Por ejemplo, MC-4R isective or missing in certain cases of obesity and may account for aswell-known to be defmuch as 6% de todos los casos de obesidad de aparición temprana. PT-141 offers a unique means ofexploring this particuar cause of obesity and potentially illustrating a pathway forintervention.MC-1Rblays roles in both pain and inflammation as well as kidneyead of infection. There is a plethora of available research that PT.pathology and the sp141 could help to shd light on.
PT-141 exhibe efectos secundarios mínimos, baja biodisponibilidad oral y excelente subcutánea en ratones. La dosis por kg en ratones no se aplica a los humanos. PT-141 a la venta en PeptideSciences se limita únicamente a la investigación científica y educativa, no para consumo humano. Solo compre PT-141 si es un investigador autorizado.
Autor del artículo
La literatura anterior fue investigada, editado y organizado por el Dr.. logan, MARYLAND. Dr. Loganholds a doctorate degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine anda B.S. en biología molecular.
Autor de revista científica
Dr. Sheryl A.. Kingsberg es jefe de medicina conductual en el Centro Médico Case de los Hospitales Universitarios y profesor de Biología Reproductiva y Psiquiatría en la Universidad Case WesternReserve.. Sus áreas de especialización clínica incluyen la medicina sexual., trastornos sexuales femeninos, psicoterapia cognitivo conductual, menopausia, Trastornos del estado de ánimo durante el embarazo y el posparto., aspectos psicológicos de la infertilidad, y aspectos psicológicos y sexuales del cáncer. Dr. Los principales intereses de investigación de Kingsberg son los tratamientos para los trastornos sexuales femeninos y los aspectos psicológicos de la infertilidad y la menopausia.. Sheled un aleatorio, placebo-controlled dose-findina trial for PT-141, She has numerouspublications in many national and internationa iournals, sits on the editoria board ofMenopause and has authored numerous chapters on topics incudina perimenopauseand sexuality, donación de ovocitos, infertilidad y envejecimiento, El tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil psicógena y la sexualidad después del cáncer.. Dr. Kingsberg recibió su doctorado en la Universidad del Sur de Florida en Tampa y completó su beca en medicina sexual en el University Hospitals Case Medical Center.. Es miembro activo de varias organizaciones nacionales e internacionales, incluidas la Asociación Estadounidense de Psicología y la Sociedad Estadounidense de Medicina Reproductiva., Actualmente forma parte del Patronato de la Sociedad Norteamericana de Menopausia., y se desempeña como tesorero actual de la Sociedad de Tecnologías de Reproducción Asistida., Dr, Kingsberg s a past president oThe International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health.
Dr. Sheryl A.. Se hace referencia a Kingsberg como uno de los principales científicos involucrados en la investigación y el desarrollo del PT-141.. in no way is this doctor/scientist endorsing oradvocating the purchase, venta, o uso de este producto por cualquier motivo. No hay afiliación o relación, implícito o no, entre PEPTIDE GURUS y este doctor. El propósito de citar al médico es reconocer, reconocer, y damos crédito a los exhaustivos esfuerzos de investigación y desarrollo realizados por los científicos que estudian este péptido.. Dr. Kingsberg aparece en [12] bajo las citas referenciadas.
Citas referenciadas
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