GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 stimulate two separate receptors that naturally boost growthhormone (ГХ) release from the anterior pituitary, CJC-1295 binds to the growth hormonereleasing hormone receptor (GHRH) while GHRP-2 binds to the growth hormone secretagogue receptor1.By stimulating two different receptors in two different biochemical pathways that have the same final result, these peptides can work togethelto boost GH release from the anterior pituitary to levels that could not achieved by eithelpeptide alone.
Both GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 have been tested in a variety of animal models and have shown positive effects on muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia, cardiac function, and theimmune system[2]-[4]. Both peptides also decrease blood sugar levels and favor leanbody mass over fat deposition5. фактически, both peptides are known to stimulate fat loss byboosting metabolisms. This reduction in adipose (толстый) tissue has been linked to improvecinsulin resistance and improvement in cases of type 2 диабет
When combined in research studies, these peptides have cooperative effects in at leastsome of the pathways noted above.
Об авторе
Вышеуказанная литература была исследована, отредактировано и организовано доктором, Э, Логан, доктор медицинских наук. Доктор. ЭЛоган имеет докторскую степень медицинского факультета Университета Кейс Вестерн Резерв и степень бакалавра наук.. в молекулярной биологии.
Научный журналАвтор
Доктор. Dominigue Bridon holds a Master of Science, Chemical Engineering and Polymer Sciences from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie and a PhD in Organic Chemistryfrom the University of Paris Xl, ICSN, Orsay, France with Nobel Laureate Sir Derek H. RBarton as Research Advisor. He completed his Post-Doctoral Research at the Universityof California, Беркли. He studied the potential of CJC-1295 as a long lasting GRFanalog and also held various leadership positions involving peptide research and technologies atlpsen.Coniuchem.Redcel.and Abbott Laboratories.Dr. Bridon hasserved as a Director for Enobia (acquired by Alexion) and Neuronax and as a member ofthe Scientific Advisory Board of Svntaxin (acauired by lpsen) and Biosortia. Henow brinas 30 vears of executive and scientific leadershin experience to the EpivaxOncology team.
Доктор, Dominiaue Bridon is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in theresearch and development of CJC-1295. никоим образом этот врач/ученый не одобряет и не пропагандирует покупку, распродажа, или использование этого продукта по любой причине. Нет никаких аффилированных отношений, подразумеваемый или иной, между PEPTIDE GURUS и этим врачом. Цель цитирования врача – признание, распознавать, и отдайте должное исчерпывающим исследованиям и разработкам, проведенным учеными, изучающими этот пептид.. Dr.Dominiaue Bridon is listed in [7] по указанным цитатам.
1.A.Frohman,«Пульсирующая секреция гормона роста.(ГХ)M.lonescu and L.persists during continuous stimulation by CJC-1295, аналог гормона роста длительного действия.,«Дж.Клин.Эндокринол». Метаб., vol.91,no.12,pp.4792-4797,Dec2006.[ПабМед]
2.Д. Yamamoto et al., “GHRP-2, a GHS-R agonist, directly acts on myocytes toattenuate the dexamethasone-induced expressions of muscle-specific ubiguitinligases, Atrogin-1 and MuRF1,”Life Sci., vol.82,no.9-10,pp.460-466,Feb.2008.[ПабМед]
3.В. Bodart et al.. “dentification and characterization of a new growth hormonereleasing peptide receptor in the heart,”Circ.Res., vol.85, no.9, pp.796-802Oct. 1999.[ПабМед]
4.Д. Д. Taub, Вт. Дж. Murphy, and D.L. Longo, “Rejuvenation of the aging thymus:growth hormone-mediated and ghrelin-mediated signaling pathways,» Карр. Opin.Pharmacol..vol.10.no.4.pp.408-424.Aug.2010.[ПабМед]
5.S.L. Teichman, А. Нил, Б. Lawrence, С. Gagnon, Ж.-П.. Кастань, и я. A.Frohman, «Длительная стимуляция гормона роста (ГХ) and insulin-ike growthfactor l secretion by CJC-1295, аналог гормона роста длительного действия., нездоровые взрослые,”J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab.,vol.91,no.3, стр.799-805, Мар. 2006[ПабМед]
6.Б. Лаферрер, А. Б. Hart, and C.Y. Bowers, “Obese subjects respond to thestimulatory effect of the ghrelin agonist growth hormone-releasing peptide-2 onfood intake,”Обес. Silver Spring Md, vol.14,no.6, pp.1056-1063, Jun.2006[ЧВК]
7.Jetté, Lucie & Leger, Roger & Thibaudeau, Karen & Benquet, Corinne & RobitailleMartin & Pellerin, lsabelle & Paradis, Véronique & Wyk, Pieter & Pham, Хан &Bridon, Dominique.(2005).hGRF1-29-Albumin Bioconjugates Activate the GRFReceptor on the Anterior Pituitary in Rats: ldentification of CJC-1295 as a LongLasting GRF Analog.[Исследовательские ворота]
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