CJC-1295, Гексарелин 10 мг (смесь)


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Hexarelin,which is a potent stimulator of the growth hormone secetagogue receptor. When combined with CJC-1295, a growthnts boost both baseline and peak levels of GH in animal modelshormone releasing hormone receptor agonist, the two GH stimula. Both peptides have positive effects on cardiac (heart) muscle. Hexarelin, in particular, has been heavily investigated for its ability toattack). There is good reason to believe that a combination of bothprotect heart cells from damage during ischemic injury (e.g. heartpeptides could improve outcomes during acute coronary events,id recovery following myocardial injury, and even prevent cardiacinjury in the first p[1]-[3]. Hexarelin and CJC-1295 both potentiate fat metabolism and havebeen linked to improved measures of insulin resistance. Reductionon and improvements in everything from type 2 diabetes to the riskin adipose tissue mass is linked to decreased systemic inflammaof developing cancer[4]. Both peptides are also being investigaterfor their ability to protect muscle from the effects of chemotherapy[5][6].Об автореВышеупомянутая литература была исследована, отредактирована и систематизирована доктором Э. Логаном, доктором медицинских наук. Доктор Э. Логан имеет докторскую степень Медицинской школы Университета Кейс Вестерн Резерв и степень бакалавра в области молекулярной биологии.Научный журналАвторAline Moulin's research while affiliated with French National Centre for Scientificler places are extensive. She is well versed in pharmaceutical Research and otdevelopment, management, external manufacturing operations, quality control, regulatorycontrol, drug deli/ery, and drug discovery research. She has used Hexarelin in multiplestudies to monitoif certain pharmaceuticals were capable of inhibiting many of its effects. Aline Moulin's iseing referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in theresearch and deelopment of Hexarelin. In no way is this doctor/scientist endorsing oradvocating the pirchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. There is no affiliationor relationship, iriplied or otherwise, between PEPTIDE GURUS and this doctor. Thepurpose of citingthe doctor is to acknowledge, recognize, and credit the exhaustiveelopment efforts conducted by the scientists studying this peptide. Alineresearch and deMoulin is listed ir[8]under the referenced citations.Ресурсы1.X.Zhang, L. Qu, L. Chen, and C.Chen,“|mprovement of cardiomyocyte functionby in vivo hexarelin treatment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats,” Physiol.Rep., vol.6, no.4,2018.[PubMed] 2.J. Huang, Y. Li, J.Zhang, Y. Liu, and O. Lu, “The Growth Hormone SecretagogueHexarelin Protects Rat Cardiomyocytes From in vivo lschemia/Reperfusion InjuryThrough Interleukin-1 Signaling Pathway," Int. Heart. J., vol. 58, no.2, pp.257-263, Apr. 2017.[PubMed] 3.Y. Ma, L. Zhang, J.N.Edwards, B.S. Launikonis, and C. Chen, “Growth hormonesecretagogues protect mouse cardiomyocytes from in vitro ischemia/reperfusioninjury through requlation of intracellular calcium,” PloS One, vol. 7, no. 4, p.e35265.2012 4.R. Mosa et al.“Hexarelin,a Growth Hormone Secretagoaue, lmproves LipidMetabolic Aberrations in Nonobese Insulin-Resistant Male MKR Mice,Endocrinology,vol.158,no.10,pp.3174-3187,01 2017.[PubMed] 5.E. Conte et al.. “Growth hormone secretagoaues prevent dvsreaulation of skeletalmuscle calcium homeostasis in a rat model of cisplatin-induced cachexia,” J.Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle, vol. 8, no.3, pp.386-404, Jun.2017.[PubMed] 6.G. Sirago et al., “Growth hormone secretagogues hexarelin and JMV2894 protectskeletal muscle from mitochondrial damages in a rat model of cisplatin-inducedcachexia,”Sci. Rep., vol.7, Oct. 2017.[Nature] 7.X. Zhang, L. Qu, L. Chen, and C.Chen,“lmprovement of cardiomyocyte functionby in vivo hexarelin treatment in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats,” Physiol.Rep., vol.6, no.4,2018.[PubMed] 8.Torsello, Antonio & Bresciani, Elena & Tamiazzo, Laura & Bulgarelli, llaria &Caporali, Simona & Moulin, Aline & Fehrentz, jean-alain & Martinez, Jean &Perissoud, Daniel & Locatelli, Vittorio.(2008).Novel potent and selective non-peptide ligands of ghrelin receptor : characterization of endocrine andextraendocrine actions.Research Gate. ALL ARTICLES AND PRODUCT INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE AREFOR INFORMATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The products offered on this website are furnished for in-vitro studies only. in-vitro studies(Latin: in glass) are performed outside of the body. These products are not medicines ordrugs and have not been approved by the FDA to prevent, treat or cure any medicalcondition, ailment or disease, Bodilv introduction of any kind into humans or animals isstrictly forbidden by law.

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