Growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) agonists like GHRP-2 are well known for their ability to produce large spikes in GHlevels. These spikes, while providing a number of interesting and important benefits in animal models, are also shortlived because thehalf life of most GHSR agonists is relatively short, To achieve long-term GH level increases, it is possible to use a GHRH analogue likemodified GRF. This provides a long-term increase in both basal and peak GH levels, but nowhere near the kind of GH spike that aGHSR agonists provides. in addition, animal models show that GHRH analogues are susceptible to somatostatin interference, whichcan offset increases in GH levels.
To get the best of both worlds, research into combining GHSR agonists and GHRH analogues is being undertaken. One particularhresearched combination is modified GRF with GHRP-2[4]. The synergy provides increased basal and peak levels of GH as wel asmeasured spikes that boost the benefits of both peptides in ways that simply increasing one or the other cannot
The net result of combining these peptides is improved GH release and substantial shifts in metabolism away from fat deposition.Lean body mass is increased substantially, уровень инсулина падает, and blood sugar becomes more requlatedl2i-4. There is even evidenceto show that both peptides, но особенно ипаморелин, can help to improve bone mineral density and bone healths.
Об авторе
Исследования Л.. Эдмистон, доктор медицинских наук. for PEPTIDE GURUS. л. Эдмистон имеет степень доктора медицины.. fromCase Western Reserve University School of Medicine and a B.S. в молекулярной биологии.
Научный журналАвтор
Доктор. Jan lzdebski has been listed as a noteworthy Chemist, researcher by Marguis Who’sWho. He attained a Master of Science from University Warsaw, Poland, 1959 and is aDoctor of Philosophy, University Warsaw, Poland, 1965, along with a Doctor of ScienceUniversity Warsaw, Poland, 1979. He studied how GRF 1-29 is more resistant toenzymatic degradation and how that affects its half-life.
Доктор. Jan lzdebski is being referenced as one of the leading scientists involved in theresearch and development of GRF 1-29. Ни в коем случае этот врач/ученый не одобряет и не пропагандирует покупку, распродажа, или использование этого продукта по любой причине. There is no affiliationor relationshin, подразумеваемый или иной, между PEPTIDE GURUS и этим врачом. Цель цитирования врача – признание, reconize, and credit the exhaustiveresearch and development efforts conducted by the scientists studving this peptide. DrJan lzdebski is listed in [7]по указанным цитатам.
[1]M.Waelbroeck,P.Robberecht, D.H. Coy, Ж.-К. Camus. п. Д. Neef. and J.Christophe, “Interaction of Growth Hormone-Releasing Factor (ГРФ) и 14 GRFAnalogs with Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VlP) Receptors of Rat Pancreas.Discovery of (N-Ac-Tyr1,D-Phe2)-ГРФ(1-29)-NH2 as a VIP Antagonist,Эндокринология, vol.116,no.6,pp.2643-2649,Jun.1985.[ПабМед]
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[3]E.Adeghate and A,С, Ponery, “Mechanism of ipamorelin-evoked insulin releasefrom the pancreas of normal and diabetic rats.” Neuro Endocrinol Lett.. yol. 25.no6,pp.403-406,Dec.2004.[ПабМед]
[4]D.E.Beck,W.B.Sweeney, M.D.McCarter, and lpamorelin 201 Study Group.Prospective, рандомизированный, controlled, proof-of-concept study of the Ghrelin mimeticipamorelin for the management of postoperative ileus in bowe resection patients,Int. J.Colorectal Dis., vol.29,no.12,pp.1527-1534,Dec.2014.[ПабМед]
[5]N.B. Andersen, К. Malmlöf, п. Б. Johansen, Т. Т. Andreassen, г. ②rtoft, and H.Oxlund, “The growth hormone secretagoque ipamorelin counteracts glucocorticoid.induced decrease in bone formation of adult rats,” Гормон роста. lGF Res. Выключенный. J.Growth Horm.Res.Soc.Int.IGF Res.Soc., vol.11,no.5,pp.266-272,0ct. 2001[ПабМед]
[6]J.Svensson et al., “The GH secretagogues ipamorelin and GH-releasingpeptide-6 increase bone mineral content in adult female rats,» Дж.. Эндокринол.. vol.165,no.3, pp.569-577,Jun.2000.[ПабМед]
[7] lzdebski, Дж., et al.“Potent Trypsin-Resistant HGH-RH Analogues.” Journal of PEPTIDE GURUS : An Official Publication of the European Peptide Society[Semantics Scholar]
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